Music Video Meets Meteor Shower!

This time last Thursday, I did hair and makeup for the very talented and gorgeous Scarlett Moody. She is about to release her first single and was filming her music video on location in the New Forest.
The brief was a high glamour look and in just over an hour Scarlett was transformed into a beautiful pop starlet. After a little male grooming on her fellow music video actor, we left HP Music Studios in Ringwood and drove to the video shoot which was set in the middle of a field near Lyndhurst.
The set was amazing. An old whimsical, contorted tree was lit with numerous fairy lights, next to which was a double bed complete with pillows and duvet, again surrounded by lights and accessories, making this feel like a magical, mythical bedroom scene. Of course, the irony of this was not lost on us, when various men arrived, screeching up in fast cars hoping that a movie of a very different kind was about to be filmed!
However, the other more ironic and memorable part of the shoot was the amazing meteor shower that we witnessed in the very dark and vast skies above the Forest. Unbeknown to us, star gazers from miles around had come to watch this phenomenon and were treated to discovering a mythical woodland bedroom, which seemed to blend perfectly with the stars shooting down from the skies. I know this might sound contrite, but I honestly felt that a star was born last week (pun is definitely intended!), and all I can say is watch this space. Above are the before and after hair and makeup photos, and below are some behind the scenes shots:

For more information on Scarlett visit: